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  • American Crew Post-Shave Cooling Lotion 150ml

American Crew Post-Shave Cooling Lotion 150ml

à partir de 2: 11,25
à partir de 3: 10,95
à partir de 6: 10,75
11,45 y compris la tva
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livraison gratuite à partir de € 35,- avis des clients 4.3
American Crew Post-Shave Cooling Lotion 150ml
American Crew Post-Shave Cooling Lotion 150ml
en stock

American Crew Post-Shave Cooling Lotion

Moisturizing shave relief.
Dual action formula works as a lightweight moisturizer and calming aftershave.
Active minerals help restore skin balance and inhibit inflammation.
Cooling agents such as tea tree and menthol leave skin cool and refreshed.
Protective antioxidants also work to provide a barrier for skin against environmental aggressors such as pollution, harsh winds, etc.
Smooth over face and neck. Can be used immediately after shaving or as a daily moisturizing lotion.
byssine 657, Pumpkin Seed Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Nettle, Comfrey and Elder Flower Extracts.
Excellent source of minerals, especially zinc. Helps skin renew as it moisturizes.
Essential fatty acids help regulate sebum production, anti-inflammory and antiseptic perfect for calming skin and helping to prevent irritation, a blend of extracts that promote healing and healthy, balanced skin.



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American Crew Post-Shave Cooling Lotion 150ml
à partir de 2: € 11,25 € 0,20 rabais
à partir de 3: € 10,95 € 0,50 rabais
à partir de 6: € 10,75 € 0,70 rabais
€ 11,45 y compris la tva
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livraison gratuite à partir de € 35,- avis des clients 4.3 ajouter au panier

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